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Are Tankless Water Heaters Better for the Environment?

Are Tankless Water Heaters Better for the Environment?

Are Tankless Water Heaters Better for the Environment?

Environmental friendliness is just one of the many advantages when you go tankless.

When considering the pros and cons of a tankless water heater, the environmental friendliness of your system is a big plus. But for a more practical breakdown of the financial and safety benefits, read on:

  1. Safe and Clean.
    A tankless water heater provides your household with instant hot water from a safe source. Tankless systems only heat the water when there is a demand for it. This means if you have a bunch of relatives staying with you, no one will be stuck with a cold shower! Your home water is guaranteed to be cleaner because it isn’t sitting in a rusty tank.
  2. Money Saver.
    Tankless water heaters cost a substantial amount less to operate on a regular basis than the alternative. Instead of paying to constantly heat a reservoir of tank water, the tankless option only heats what you need when you need it. This eliminates the constant demand for natural gas. The installation costs are higher than with a traditional tank heater, but cost savings over time should be enough to offset this initial investment.
  3. Sustainability.
    Tankless water heaters also last longer than tank systems, by about 5-10 years. They take up less space and are more convenient to maintain once the installation has been completed. They also provide you with an unlimited amount of hot water, whereas tank systems are limited by their holding capacity.

Now is the time to start taking advantage of all the benefits tankless hot water heaters have to offer.

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