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How Often Do I Need to Change out My Air Filters?

How Often Do I Need to Change out My Air Filters?

How Often Do I Need to Change out My Air Filters?

Maintenance agreements are a helpful reminder to many homeowners about scheduling important safety updates.

If you’re like most homeowners with a busy schedule, a maintenance agreement could be the best investment you ever make. Even the most diligent of people sometimes find there aren’t enough hours in the day to get to all the little things, like remembering to change the air filter!

Not only does a regular maintenance agreement put inspections on your schedule before the seasonal rush, they can also help with these important factors:

Getting Necessary Reminders

Changing HVAC air filters is one of the most commonly neglected chores. It’s easy to forget because it only needs to happen when the filter is dirty – for some devices this can mean every other month, while others might need more regular attention. Bottom line, take a look at your heating and cooling system to find out the best schedule for your home and then set a reminder so you don’t forget.

Getting Cash Savings

Heating and cooling costs make up about half of the total electric bills that most homeowners pay on a monthly basis. Of course, this can increase in the warmer and cooler months so you are spending even more money on HVAC expenses. Taking precautions with regular maintenance and changing the air filter on a regular basis can improve system efficiency by 15-20 percent overall, which can be hundreds of dollars over the course of the year.

Defeating Indoor Air Pollution

Not only is changing the air filter in your heating and cooling system vital to the performance of your unit, it is also an important part of protecting residential health. Air pollution from filter buildup is a serious health risk and puts your upper respiratory system in jeopardy.

Click here to get more information about the benefits of maintenance agreements from our friendly team of professionals at MJ Frick.

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