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What Does Emergency Heat Mean on My Thermostat?

What Does Emergency Heat Mean on My Thermostat?

What Does Emergency Heat Mean on My Thermostat?

Do frigid temperatures call for using the emergency heat on my thermostat?

Truth is, most people don’t really know a lot about energy efficiency or even what Emergency Heat is and when they need to use it. Some common questions are:

What is emergency heat?

Emergency Heat is backup heating for your home. Heat pumps in northern climates (regions that get below 35 degrees) need a supplemental heating source – and even though Nashville’s not exactly up north, temperatures can dip below freezing frequently. Emergency heat is also known as “second-stage” heating.

What happens when I switch to Emergency Heat?

If you aren’t sure that you have switched to Emergency Heat, a way to tell is the red indicator light going on. This light stays on until you stop using the Emergency Heat. It is letting you know that you are in emergency mode. Switching to emergency heat is something some people do in really cold weather thinking it helps their furnace perform better. They are wrong. Emergency Heat should only be used for exactly what it states in its name, emergencies only.

Is Emergency Heat more expensive to run?

It really depends on the kind of heat pump you have. If you have gas or oil heat for your back-up system, then it’s harder to say. It depends on the cost of your fuel and its efficiency. If you have a completely electric heat pump, your emergency is certainly more expensive.

If you are concerned about the Emergency Heat settings and the energy efficiency of your heating source, call (615) 431-8095 or contact the helpful experts at MJ Frick Company for valuable information on temperature control and smart thermostats.

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